Stewardship Chairperson: NIKI THOMPSON
Stewardship Administrator: MICHAEL COOK
Contact Niki & Michael at:
Stewardship Spiritual Advisor: Fr Christ Kontos
Make become a Steward of St Luke or to make
a Stewardship Donation by clicking THIS LINK
or text "STLUKEGIVE" to 73256
“Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant”
Stewardship 2024
One of my favorite parables is the Parable of the Talents. It teaches us that we are responsible for using God’s gifts – to develop them, to grow them, and then to offer them back to Him. Although we all receive different gifts, we see in this parable that there is no difference in God’s reward for what we accomplish with them. If you want to be a faithful servant, then take whatever you have and offer it faithfully to the Lord. It is not about how much you have, it is what you do with it.
Giving to His Church is a way to thank God for His grace and generosity. The question is not, “What are the dues?” but “How can I thank God for my many blessings?” We see our church, not as it is, but as it could be. We offer our treasure and ourselves sacrificially, so that, as members of the Body of Christ, we may reach our full potential in Him.
Before completing the enclosed 2024 Commitment Card, please give prayerful consideration to the commitment you are making. A check mailed to the church is most meaningful when accompanied by your presence, by your willingness to serve, by your prayers, and by your commitment. Giving is not a substitute for commitment – it is an expression of your commitment and an expression of thanks for the many blessings in your life.
Well done, Good and Faithful Servant! May 2024 be filled with health, spiritual joy, and prosperity.
Yours in Christ,